Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boredom, An unsolicited opinion, and a blurb about Valentine's Day

It's only been about a month and a half since I've put up a blog... so much for this being some kind of therapy, huh? So, I guess it's about time to let some more of my randomness puke all over the internet.

I WAS cleaning my house... was. Yeah, it desperately needs done, but it's entirely too mind numbing, and seriously, it's not like anyone else ever sees it anyway. Regardless, I did put forth my usual half assed effort at doing something with it. Until my upstairs neighbors came home, that is. They obviously started drinking way too early in the evening and decided to go home and continue their practically nightly ritual of trying to kill one another. As I seriously can't listen to that for long, and their apt is over the part of my flat that I was trying to clean, I decided it was best to retire to my computer room to do something less irritating than listen to them. My finer thoughts on that subject: If your relationship is so volatile that you've been reduced to screaming, yelling, and fist fighting every night... seriously... find a new relationship! DUH! You would think that would be common sense... but it evidently isn't in some cases. Whatever. At least I'm in a room where I can't hear the bullshit anymore. ... And these are the same people that stomp on the floor (my ceiling) when they feel I'm playing Guitar Hero too loud.. before 10 pm. Really? At least I'm not down here trying to kill someone at 2 am. Anyway, they obviously have no clue what my stereo system is actually capable of, as I do actually keep the volume down in the evening... although one of these nights, I'll have to crank it up and let them see how fortunate they are that I don't do that on a regular basis. :)

Evidently, in a previous post, I commented on posts to come, so... on with that show.

I'll go with Valentine's Day, as that's a pretty easy one to cover in a short amount of time. Yeah, I was alone on Valentine's Day. I kinda knew that was going to be the case though. Even though I'd hoped it wouldn't, it's not like it was unexpected. Was it a horrid day though? Not at all. Sometimes it's the little things in life, like someone going out of their way to do something nice for you, that make all the difference in the world. As it turns out, I receive a message telling me to let my dog out... strange... only to find a Valentine's Day gift that had been left on my porch, by someone very important to me, and the one person who can always find a way to make me smile... even on my darkest of days. As is usually the case with him, the forethought, meaning, and symbolism that went into it were incredible! I'm still touched by it. :) That sort of thing, for him though, is just the norm. I'll never know how he does it. I guess it's just who he is... which is beyond amazing. Even though I was alone physically, metaphysically I was right beside the person I most wanted to be with... and that in itself was enough to make it a great day.

On that note... I think I'm going to end this blog for now. I really did think I would be writing for longer than this, but I do plan on being up late tonight, as I don't work tomorrow, and am thinking I am in need of a short nap. So, for the moment, I will return you to your regularly scheduled program.

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