Friday, March 4, 2016

The More Things Change... The More They Don't Stay The Same

            Is that the way that goes? No, it really isn't, but I'm going to go with it for now. Rereading my previous blog posts, I finally got to a point where I was like, 'WTF was I thinking!' Don't you love it when that happens? My first instinct was to take them all down. After all, so much has changed and who would truly understand that what once was, can turn into something that no longer is? How dramatically someone can change over the course of so many years is almost unfathomable. Who would be able to fully grasp that concept? Perhaps more people than I would imagine.... perhaps less. Who knows.
            In the end, life happens, time moves on, and everything changes. What were once the driving forces in our lives; the things that consumed every fiber of our being; the things we gushed about on social media, our blogs, and to everyone who would listen, willingly or otherwise; eventually became the forest fires that scorched the earth, leaving nothing behind but excessive room for regrowth... however impossibly long that may take. Many of the things contained in my previous blog posts are just that... moments in time, snapshots of places my mind was in long ago. They are bits of history, immortalized in print... each of them a moment, a memory, a glimpse into the past, a warning for the future, and a realization that the more things change... the more they really don't stay the same.
            So, dear consumer of my blog vomit, take the things you find here with a grain of salt and the understanding of what I have just mentioned... and another thousand grains of salt. Only move forward if you are able to do these things... otherwise, you may find yourself upset, confused, and unnecessarily perplexed. Move forward at your own risk, as I will not entertain any complaints you may file due to your own lack of understanding and blatant disregard for the content of this particular post, which effectively provides insight and more than fair warning. You have now been effectively warned... and as always, You Are Welcome.

Music Calms the Common Beast... and so does Medication (How to Turn a Tiger into a House Cat)

            So... it's been what... 5 years? Yeah, way too long. Here goes what will likely be an effort in futility, but perhaps it will get better with time and practice... or at the very least, it won't be another 5 years before I try doing this again. Regardless, for the moment anyway, it's time to hop back on that old 'Blogging Bike' and see if I remember how to ride.
            Side Note: I'm on my laptop and I just went to pull the sleeves of my hoodie up, at which time I realized I can't do that, as the ridiculous amount of Pandora bracelets and charms on my left arm are uncomfortable on the keyboard and will likely scratch the hell out of the Alienware laptop I love so much. Between the 5 bracelets and 2 necklaces, I can not even begin to guess how much I have put into this crazy collection. When people see it they always say 'You must really like Pandora'. My response, 'Yeah, just a little... it's an addiction... there should be rehab for this.' The people laugh and I go on with my life. There isn't really any need for explanation. It's kind of apparent I have a problem, or at one time I did anyway. So, that leads me to my next portion... What breaks an addiction like that? One that causes you to drop by the local jewelry store and spend a few hundred dollars anytime you are bored, depressed, happy, or for no reason what-so-ever? Not having the few hundred dollars available to spend. Yep, that will break an addiction pretty quickly. Sure, there are people who can not stop an addiction for lack of funding and for those people, I truly sympathize, as that can lead to some very unsavory activities to acquire said funding. Not a path anyone truly wants to traverse. But, I digress. In my case, there came a point where things like food and housing became more important than Pandora, so my addiction was put on hold. Was it completely cured... no, not so much, but as any recovering addict would do, I remove myself from the temptation. I don't look at the website to see what's coming out, what has already been released, and what will retire before I can get my hands on it. I don't go near the Pandora concept stores or any jewelry store for that matter. Sure, I know have credit cards those things could go on, but that is a discussion for another day, and something I keep myself from doing... for good and likely obvious reason.
            So, today's blog is brought to you by the letter... L... and the letter C. The letter L is for Lazy and the letter C is for Cats. Confused yet? LOL Today, I got up, sat down on the couch to have my morning coffee... at noon (It's my day off, don't hate) and noted my Lazy Cats lying on the back of the couch and in the spot I wanted to sit in respectively, as there are two of them, and a blog started writing itself, in my mind. It's not like this hasn't happened countless times over the past 5 years, I just haven't actually taken the time to pull out my laptop and immortalize it in print before it disappears. Today, however, appears to be the exception. Okay, so you're likely inclined to begin to think it's a wonderful thing that I am so motivated today and that is awesome. Yeeaahh... how about, I have a lot of things to get done today... that I am neglecting, to do this instead. Mostly because I don't feel like actually doing anything I should (I'll regret that later) and am using this as another in many good, but only good in my own mind, excuses to procrastinate. Yep, so there you go. Didn't want you to get the wrong idea. You can thank me for that later... preferable in the form of a small, or maybe large if you are so moved, checks or moneys order made out to yours truly. I also accept cash, so don't be afraid to send that as well... just so you know. I won't hate on your gift of good ol' American Greenbacks either. Just saying. Now you know. You Are Welcome.
            As I read through my old blogs today, and if you haven't had the chance to do that I would recommend it, in the instance that you might need a little insanity in your life or you just have a whole lot of time to spend doing such, or you don't have the time to spend but are looking for a way to effectively procrastinate... they are available, here... or on the other page (go back a page), or via a link to 'The Old Stuff'. Whatever, now you know, and knowing is half the battle. I'm sure the other half is acting... but if you're reading through all of this internet vomit, you're not any more likely to actual 'act' today than I am. Kudos. At the very least, I will amuse, confuse, and confound you for awhile while you also get less than nothing done with your day. Again, You Are Welcome... you already know what to do... (see last paragraph). Just a friendly reminder, of course.
            Where was I going with that? Oh, yeah. As I was reading through my old blogs today, a few things came to my mind, aside from the realization that I am not doing any of the things I had planned to do today and if I do it will be at the very last minute, as is usually the case with my life. Regardless... the few things I realized: A) It has been a REALLY long time since I have written anything at all. No, that's not a reason to decline sending a gift. Just saying. B) A LOT has changed since I was writing before, to the point where I am almost ashamed to have those things floating out there in cyberspace. Almost. It's my life and where I was at the moment, so if nothing else, it stands as a testament to where I was at that place in time and a reminder that everything changes, even though, at the moment, we don't see that as a  possibility or even feel we will ever end up where we are today. Still, everything has changed, and here I am to write about it. That's something, and as I've said before, Something is better than nothing... even though my blog is a testament to the fact that sometimes we can have entirely 'Too Much... Nothing' in our lives, which may or may not be a good thing.
            On to my next point, and finally getting to the title of this blog. Incidentally, it picked itself before I began writing. How does that even happen? A title turns up and says 'Here I am... Now write about me'. Really? Didn't we get stuck having to do those exercises in school? Damn that whole education system. Years later, the same exercise rears it's ugly head and forces you to participate. Sure, you could say it inspires you. Perhaps, in a way it does, but today I am going to go with forces, as the need to participate was stronger than the actual inspiration to write... oh, and I'm effectively procrastinating! Look at me go!!! Impressive, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so too!
            If you know me or have read some of 'The Old Stuff' section, you get the inference in the title. If you don't or you haven't and are not going to read that section, even though that is horribly lazy and unsupportive of you (you know where to send your penance appropriations), I will help you out a bit. I am a Taurus Tiger. (I'm not going into that any further as it is thoroughly explained in an earlier blog and in all reality, you only get so much help if you are unwilling to help yourself, so deal with it, at least you got a small morsel of understanding. As always, You Are Welcome.)
            The Tiger portion is today's focus. Fierce and Frightening, Stealthy and Strong, Patient and Proud, these creatures make their way into our hearts for their beauty, appearance of friendliness (at first still-frame glance, if in that still frame they are sleeping), and simple realization of their innate ferocity. One would imagine this creature could be tamed. Taught to be calm and reserved; taught to relinquish the instinct to attack; forced to abandon the blood thirst born of a simple survival; taught to stay in one place, stripped of it's wanderlust and natural need to keep moving; trained to be reduced to an albeit not so common pet. I am here to tell you, within the realm of a purely metaphorical interpretation, this is actually possible. (Do Not Try This At Home... You have been warned. Yes, You Are Welcome... Again.)
            Unfortunately, a Tiger CAN be reduced to a House Cat, living out it's days lazily lying on the back of a couch; waiting for sustenance to be provided to it while giving up it's instinctive desire to hunt, capture, and kill for nourishment; walking around the feet of its captor longing for a moment's worth of attention and adoration; sitting at the door remembering a life of freedom, a world abounding with possibilities, imagining a life unindentured; conceding to a reality of restriction, an overwhelming loss of free will; and returning once again to the back of the couch, to dream of a life so long lost, of unrealized dreams, and be immersed in a nirvana only accessible through a state of deep unconciousness. This is possible. This is real. This is not as it should be.
            One would imagine there would be sympathy in the heart of the captor. Remorsefulness at the disenfranchisement of such a majestic creature. Yet, there is none. There is simply the deranged sense of accomplishment derived from seeing a creature, tamed at the captor's own hand, as a triumph... as opposed to the tragedy it truly is. Without going into how this can happen, How one can turn a Tiger into a Common House Cat, as that would take more time than I will allow myself for this exercise and will likely open up a few proverbial cans of worms I am not willing to contend with at the moment... I will simply say, while some believe 'Music Can Calm the Common Beast'... Medication can as well. Tranquilizing an animal, long term, will of course keep it subdued... more so than will ultimately be beneficial to any party involved, but nevertheless, the option is one widely accepted and embraced by captors, captives, and the medical community as a whole. While there may be some benefits to certain medications, that in itself, is an entirely separate blog for another day.
            I will once again warn you, dear reader, Do Not Try This At Home. There is an old saying stating 'A Tiger never loses its stripes'. Take that as a forewarning, an ominous prophecy, if you will. The pet you may seek to acquire and then take great pains to subdue and subjugate, is still a wild animal at heart. It still retains the ability, however deeply interred, to rise up and strike without warning and without what you will see as reason. Trust, the reason is there. It always has been. You, dear captor, immersed in your foolish grandiosity, will have been blind to the writing on the wall... or the stripes on the Tiger, per se.

            That is were I will leave you today, oh fan of my insane blog vomit. Confused, Confounded, possibly Amused, and perhaps almost Enlightened. Almost. After all, if I were to actually enlighten you, you would have no need and/ or desire to wait out the next 5 years it will take me to finally write the next blog... and we can't have that, now can we. So, as always, since this particular blog anyway, feel free to send financial motivation if you would like to see more of my insane regurgitations prior to 5 years from now.
            *** Please Note: There is no guarantee either real and/ or implied that any motivation, financial or otherwise, will cause the writer to produce the aforementioned regurgitations at any time in the near and/ or distant future. You have been warned... and Yes, You Are Welcome. You can thank me later. I know you want to. ... End semi-legal necessity.***
            Good Day, Reader. Feel free to go back to whatever it was you were supposed to accomplish today. I, on the other had, feel the need for a cat nap. Really... Go... Go Now... There is nothing more here... For Now. (You can feel the anticipation, that there may, at some point be something more. I know you can. Don't worry... it's okay, but you should possibly be afraid. Just saying. You Are Welcome... Again.)

-- End Blog Vomit--