Friday, March 4, 2016

The More Things Change... The More They Don't Stay The Same

            Is that the way that goes? No, it really isn't, but I'm going to go with it for now. Rereading my previous blog posts, I finally got to a point where I was like, 'WTF was I thinking!' Don't you love it when that happens? My first instinct was to take them all down. After all, so much has changed and who would truly understand that what once was, can turn into something that no longer is? How dramatically someone can change over the course of so many years is almost unfathomable. Who would be able to fully grasp that concept? Perhaps more people than I would imagine.... perhaps less. Who knows.
            In the end, life happens, time moves on, and everything changes. What were once the driving forces in our lives; the things that consumed every fiber of our being; the things we gushed about on social media, our blogs, and to everyone who would listen, willingly or otherwise; eventually became the forest fires that scorched the earth, leaving nothing behind but excessive room for regrowth... however impossibly long that may take. Many of the things contained in my previous blog posts are just that... moments in time, snapshots of places my mind was in long ago. They are bits of history, immortalized in print... each of them a moment, a memory, a glimpse into the past, a warning for the future, and a realization that the more things change... the more they really don't stay the same.
            So, dear consumer of my blog vomit, take the things you find here with a grain of salt and the understanding of what I have just mentioned... and another thousand grains of salt. Only move forward if you are able to do these things... otherwise, you may find yourself upset, confused, and unnecessarily perplexed. Move forward at your own risk, as I will not entertain any complaints you may file due to your own lack of understanding and blatant disregard for the content of this particular post, which effectively provides insight and more than fair warning. You have now been effectively warned... and as always, You Are Welcome.

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